The driving force of the foundation is predicated on the fact that Christ called us to continue His work.

The foundation renders service to believers and our Mission is service to unbelievers. Matthew 28: 19-20

In pursuit of her vision and mission, the foundation operates the following organs in order to impact lives and improve the wellbeing of the people.

Television Outreach

Christian Missionary Television (CMTV) Channel runs 24/7 faith-based and family-friendly programmes of value and enriching to the society.

Prision Outreach

In partnership with other ministries, the inmates are regularly visited and ministered to with the word of God and welfare materials.

Welfare Outreach

A well structured welfare unit created to meet the needs of widows, orphans, indigent students, old people, and the sick. It also assists in employment schemes for the physically challenged and gives financial support to churches and missionaries.

Family, Discipleship and Evangelism

We believe that the family is the bed rock of the society, so a lot of family counseling, visitations, prayers and support are given to families within our coverage area. Crusades are organized in the rural areas; believers are recruited to evangelize from street to street, in Buses and even at the market places.

Community Development and Capacity Building Outreach.

The foundation through this unit has provided portable pipe water, built community town halls, drainages; provided chairs, tarpaulins and canopies to some communities; trained youths in different skills like welding, cable and electrical installations, barbing, automobile repairs and driving, camera and photographic handling. More importantly on community development the foundation also carries massive community education on health issues and civic education.

Nothing matters more 

than knowing God.

The threshold and foyer of CMTV Foundation is, to further the work of God. We are equipped to better the life of the people, to realize our goals, to gather the lost and demonstrate the love of Christ to a dying and lost world that will respond to nothing but love.

We are persuaded and believed that nothing matters more than knowing God’s purpose for ones life and nothing can compensate for not knowing those purposes. To the believers in Christ, the foundation’s television programmes help you prepare for eternity, so keep in touch with our television programming and more importantly pray, pray and pray for the work of missions around the world.


Dear beloved friends and partners, people may refuse our love or reject our message but are defenseless against our prayers, keep praying for the harvest. Keep supporting the work of missions for it is the heartbeat of God and Live a life of Love.


… Help without boundaries…